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Back Pain - What is, Causes and Treatments

The Back Pain is perhaps the most common complaint that can interfere with daily activities of a person. search data suggest that nearly 80% of all individuals in Brazil report at least one or more worrying pain episodes of back problem requiring pharmacological intervention.
Pain CostasA back pain can be associated with other symptoms such as numbness or paresthesia, pain involving muscles, limited range of motion and inability to walk or perform daily activities. So, how to relieve back pain? From mild to severe, the pain can be relieved by home remedies and medical interventions.

Causes of Back Pain: To manage or treat pain, seeking to relieve back pain, it is very important to know the cause of pain. Most cases of back pain is a multi-factorial origin, more than one factor is responsible for the symptoms. The most popular are listed in sequence.

Mechanical problems: Changes related to degenerative age and thickening of the ligaments can represent mechanical problem that makes any hard physical activity throughout the spine.
Injuries: Physical injuries are a major cause of back pain that is reported more frequently in young physically active athletes. Most common injuries are fractures, sprains, ligament tear and deep tissue damage.
Medical Conditions: Changes in the normal curvature of the spine including scoliosis or spondylolisthesis and other structural abnormalities of the spine. The joint disorders such as arthritis and inflammatory conditions. The common medical condition that can lead to back pain including fibromyalgia, kidney stones and endometriosis.
Tumors and infections: Bone tumors are summed to a major cause of morbidity affecting bone architecture in a number of ways.
Treatment For Back Pain: Back pain can be severe or moderate, depending on the case does not require medical intervention or opinion of an expert. Moreover, even in moderately severe cases, it is possible to first try to home remedies, until medical assistance is available.

1 - Relax the Back: Support your back on an even surface that allows the tissues to relax and reduce the spread of the inflammatory response, and is indicated as a way to relieve back pain. It is also possible to use a pillow or cushion to support the body and spine.

Immobilization help in all inflammatory, infectious, vascular and organic, back pain. Make sure to avoid strenuous physical activity until the tissues have completely traumatic injury recovery. In addition, the gentle massage is soothing and promotes natural healing through the expulsion of toxins and chemicals from the blood; while simultaneously increasing drainage of blood and lymph the inflamed tissues.

2 - Apply ice in tense area: The application of cold compresses or ice is soothing and helpful in many ways. Ice therapy reduces redness and inflammation-mediated tissue damage which reduces the swelling and relieve pain. Take a hot / warm towel and put ice cubes or crushed ice in it. Besides Apply the towel with ice on the affected area, never apply ice directly into the damaged tissue.

Although most people believe that heat therapy or warm compresses is better or preferred option in acute injury, which is not true. The heat increases the blood supply to the affected tissue, thereby causing edema and cure much slower.

3 - Heat Match with Elongation: The heat treatment with stretching is usually a great combination to alleviate non-inflammatory chronic pain, such as degenerative diseases of the spine. Stretching in the form of exercises or inverted suspension cause tension in the spine that relieves the pressure of the spinal nerves and relieve pain. It also allows the column to heal as a result of increased blood circulation. Combining heat-stretching ensures early healing and greater range of motion.

4 - Avoid Dangerous Activities: The human body has a remarkable ability to heal damage to tissue and lesions. Healing processes are started soon after the injury itself, and one should avoid dangerous activities, any activity that puts more stress on already damaged fibers, and healing will continue at a very fast pace. Abnormal posture or unhealthy up excessive stress and strain on tissues already damaged and distorted. Change the balance and adopt a more comfortable position helps tremendously in many cases, on how to relieve back pain.

5 - Do Light Exercises: The exercises are useful in promoting the movement and improving range of movement by reducing the edematous swelling. In addition to traditional exercise and high endurance exercises, you can also perform yoga and meditation. Furthermore, Swimming is a very useful way to relieve pain and promote muscle activity through the joints and tense tissues without causing much pain and discomfort.

6 - Medical Treatments: The drugs including narcotics for severe pain are the traditional pain remedies. The therapy is useful for improving moves across the inflamed joint. The swelling mediated inflammation blocks the flow of blood and delivery of nutrients. The steroid injections are useful in inducing remission early and immediate relief.

These injections do not only facilitate movement across the spine, but also enhances the healing and recovery speed. There are some cases that respond only to surgery, including bone tumors, complicated fractures and vertebral bone abscesses. Moreover, in some cases, surgical reduction helps improve the recovery and cure rate. Ideally, talk to your doctor to learn more about the options available on how to relieve pain in costas.Dores CostasQuando Visiting a Doctor ?: In some times, home remedies and pharmacies pills are ineffective in relieving back pain and in all these situations it is absolutely dangerous to sit and wait for the healing of the injury itself. So make sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible if the injury is of a serious nature or is getting worse, despite the rest and home remedies. Look for the following warning signs:

If you are experiencing moderate to severe pain with swelling that is refractory over the counter pills.
Pain, numbness or loss of function in the genital or pelvic region.
Swelling all over the body, especially the back.
Weight loss which is not associated with any diet or exercise changes.