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Asthma - What is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that leads to exaggerated response to stimuli such as bronchial irritants, climatic and emotional factors. Contracted, the bronchioles (small lung air channels) limit the flow of oxygen, causing shortness of breath and wheezing. Unlike bronchitis, asthma has no cure, but can be controlled. Treatment is for life, but following the medical recommendations, you can reduce the crises. In addition, According to the Brazilian Society of Thoracic Association (BTA), asthma affects more than 22 million Brazilians.

Asthma-Asthma-asmaUma inflammatory disease in the bronchi that makes the lungs more sensitive, reacting to the slightest sign of irritation, asthma affects about 300 million people worldwide, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO). The disorder, which ranges from children to seniors, have a genetic origin, and their symptoms intensified by environmental factors such as dust, viruses (flu), etc.

As that has a genetic basis, meaning that the patient is born with a predisposition for the development of the disease, its occurrence depends greatly on the individual and the environment interact. The manifestation of the problem will depend on exposure to various substances that are suspended in the air and can trigger the allergic process, that we know as awareness, such as dust mites, mold, dust and dog fur and cat.

Symptoms: wheezing and chest tightness; dry cough, especially at night and in the morning on awakening; shortness of breath and wheezing. It is more common that the signs appear in childhood, but the crisis can only appear in adulthood. The symptoms may be mild and they occur sporadically or arise more frequently with seizures of more than twice a week. Next, know the intensifier of the problem indicated by the Brazilian Association of Asthmatics (ABRA).

Allergy: dust found at home and environmental mites tend to become aggravating to the problem.
Infections: mainly caused by viruses (such as colds and flu) are seen as important triggers for crisis.
Physical exercises: some people suffering from the disease may have seizures after physical activity, such as a race or a football match, needing medication.
Irritants: perfumes, cold air, pollution, and other gases can irritate the respiratory tract.
Cigarette smoke: according to WHO, tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the world, killing annually 5 million smokers in the world, 200 thousand in Brazil. Smoking also tends to worsen asthma attacks, as the smoke has toxic substances that irritate the respiratory mucosa of sufferers of the disease. Another problem is the passive inhalation, which happens when the person does not smoke but inhale smoke from other smokers.
Medicines: Some medicines can increase the chances of asthma attacks. Aspirin and other anti-inflammatories are some examples.
Emotional aspects: it is common in some people than in a time of stress, for example, develop asthma attack.
Gastroesophageal reflux: People who suffer from reflux foods tend to have asthma attacks aggravated.
Types of asthmas: To classify the severity of your asthma, your doctor considers the clinical analysis with the results of their tests. Determine how severe your asthma helps your doctor choose the best treatment. Furthermore, asthma severity can change over time, requiring a resetting of the medication. Asthma is classified into four general categories:

Grade 1: mild symptoms, intermittent up to two days a week and up to two nights a month, usually with predominance of symptoms in winter, for example.
Grade 2: mild symptoms and persistent more than twice a week but not more than once in one day
Grade 3: moderate persistent symptoms once a day and more than one night a week
Grade 4: Severe symptoms persisted throughout the day on most days, often overnight.
Diagnosis: Directed with clinical evaluation and additional tests. If the patient is a child, it is important for parents to be alert to the duration of symptoms, often times they are manifested and annotate any drug used and the reactions, since it is the adult responsible for explaining the child's condition. They can be ordered tests such as spirometry, which measures the respiratory function.

Asthma-AsmaTratamento For Asthma: Although exposure to environmental factors that cause allergies (dust mites, animal dander, cigarette) trigger asthma attacks, problem part of a genetic predisposition - so even those with parent or asthmatic mother must stay alert . Thus, the problem has no cure. But that does not mean their bearers can not lead a normal life. For this, several behavioral measures need to be part of everyday life: avoid on curtains and carpets that accumulate dust homes, drinking plenty of water, do not smoke, play sports to strengthen the respiratory muscles (swimming is a great choice) and of course, keep away the causative agents of crisis.

Medications may also come to be used, dividing into two categories: one is the dilators of the bronchi remedies, most suitable for times of crisis; in another, the drugs are anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for the maintenance and prevention. In the second case, have better effect substances administered by inhalation, through the firecrackers. What are valuable allies, but not always well seen:

Currently we work with different drugs through firecrackers. They are different bronchodilators and corticoids inhaled. Thus, we increase the concentration of the drug in the lungs and have fewer side effects. It is very important to understand that breast pump does not kill or even addictive. This is a misconception. Also, it is very important that, as the disease is controlled, the patient does not neglect the treatment and or modify it on their own.